Know About the Features of the Best Webinar Platform
The best webinar platforms for small business are available today. They can greatly increase the amount of revenue your business will experience, if you choose the right one for you. One way to find out if a particular webinar hosting service is the best for your needs is to look at the customer testimonials. There are many webinar hosts on the internet today, and each one has thousands of happy customers. Many of them will be more than willing to help you find the best webinar platform for your business.
Some of the features that a good platform should have included a registration page, a showroom, and free trial periods. There should also be various support options that include a help desk and free surveys. If a webinar host offers free conference demos, then you should take advantage of them. A demo can give you the opportunity to learn about the features of the platform before committing to buying it. You don’t want to spend money right off the bat without knowing whether or not it’s something you’ll be comfortable using and/or that will satisfy your particular needs.
Another feature that you should look for is an analytics feature. This will help you track the performance of your webinars and provide important information such as the number of viewers, how long they stayed, and the demographics they fell into. This will help you understand what types of webinars you should run and what you should focus on to improve your conversions. Good webinar platforms should provide you with comprehensive analytics. You should be able to view your audience demographics, bounce rates, hit ratios, and even average attendee length. This information will help you determine where you should focus your attention in order to increase revenues and client satisfaction.
Pricing should never be an issue when it comes to your best webinar platform. There are numerous low-cost platforms available today that offer great analytics and other features for a reasonable price. The most affordable will offer some form of backend surveys along with extremely easy sign up and purchase options.
One additional feature that should definitely be included surveys. Surveys can be incredibly useful webinar tools to give your audience more input and help them to feel involved in what they are watching. There are a number of different surveys, you can choose from, including simple questions that ask about their likes and dislikes, as well as more complex questions that ask about a specific topic or idea. I suggest finding a webinar platform that allows you to conduct surveys through either email or text. It should be very easy to create a survey page with all of the relevant information required, as well as an option for the audience to opt-in through their contact information on the website.
Finally, I would like to mention that your webinar platforms need to allow you to easily host, facilitate, and moderate your own business meetings. If you’re a one-person business, or you have a small staff, these types of things are going to be incredibly important. By providing everything needed for hosting, facilitating, and conducting business meetings, you will save yourself a tremendous amount of time and money. I recommend finding a host that offer free registration, as well as a wide variety of different webinar formats. This includes chat, visual web conferencing, and even white boarding.
These are just a few things to look for in the best online webinar platforms out there. If you have a large marketing budget, or if you plan on holding a ton of webinars over the course of a year or two, it’s highly recommended that you purchase one of these cloud based platforms. By doing this, you’ll be able to take advantage of features such as Google Analytics, Facebook integration, and even YouTube Live. If you find a great platform, you’ll be able to maximize the full power of online marketing.
As you can see, there is no need for webinar platforms to be browser-based. By eliminating the need for a browser and incorporating an instant-messaging platform, you will be able to do much more with an online marketing campaign. This will allow you to get more done, without having to spend more time in the office. Pricing is also an important consideration, as your overhead will decrease with a cloud-based option.