Social Media Marketing Secrets for a Fast Growing Business Promotion

Arshad Amin
9 min readDec 3, 2020


Is your Business in Social Media? If yes, that is awesome. However, if not, you are missing an inexpensive and effective marketing tool. When around 70% of the internet users wander in Social Media, there is no way you wanted to miss them. Get this digital communication platform to boost your business.

Social Media Marketing is essential for Business

Either a Big Corporation or a Small Startup, Social Media is extremely valuable. Moreover, connecting with customer in social media has a direct impact on sales. Therefore, to thrive in any business, you have to implement the techniques of Social Media Marketing.

Why is Social Media for a Business so important?

Well, it communicates directly with the customers. We all know that Communication is the Magic Wand of the current business world. It can do more wonders than the Sorcerers in the Harry Potter books can.

When a customer connects with the brands in Social Media, it creates a unique relationship. Recent studies on social media sales found that around 58% of customers are more likely to buy a brand if they follow that brand on social media. Engaging customer in social media is challenging. However, it is more puzzling to maintain engagement. An efficient social media business manager will be handy in this situation.

Big corporations have dedicated social media sections. They can assess the social media business impact and react to it. However, social media for small business is crucial, as they do not have the luxury of a dedicated section. In contrast, the marketing team is in charge of everything. Therefore, they have to be the jack of all trade. In this situation, any incident of sub-standard customer experience in Social Media will spread like wildfire. Despite some significant advantages, this is the most significant social media business risk.

How can you make people spend on your products or services through Social Media?

Communication is the key here again. If you can maintain an engaging relationship, 71% of the buyer is more likely to purchase again. The alliance includes but not limited to responses, review, and rewards. Around 48% purchase is prompt by Responses, whereas 46% depends on Promotional Offers. Moreover, being funny on the Social Media impact on 36% of the customers. How interesting is that?

Set your Social Media goals first

Using social media without goals will be like driving a boat without a compass. In both cases, you will lose the destination. If you do not set up your target first, using social media for business promotion will be a daunting task. Every business has some specific goal to achieve. However, if you can answer the following questions, you can get a clear idea about your expectations from Social Media.

  • What do you want to achieve through Social Media for your Business?
  • Whom do you want to target?
  • On which Social Media platform, your target audience hangs out most.
  • What content do you want to deliver to your audience through Social Media?

The Funnel will aid to choose

The Buyers Journey from Awareness to Advocacy shapes like a funnel. The whole process aims to aware the customer about the brand, make him/her Consider about the purchase, enforces the Decision to purchase, and finally Adopt the customer with the Brand.

Your Social Media goals should be chosen based on your Business’s position in the funnel. The further you go down in the funnel, the more communicative and engaging you to have to be. Responsive and robust communication will ensure more conversion across the funnel.

However, you have to be watchful about Social Media publishes. Around 46% of the social media followers unfollow a Brand when they found the posts are ‘Too Promotional.’ Therefore, you have to maintain a delicate balance between Publicity and Personalization.

Not all Social Media is equally effective in every step of the Funnel. Around 30% of the well-informed audience unfollows a specific business when they found too many Tweets. Thus, choosing the right Media is also vital, and you will get some professional tips on selecting the perfect Social media later in this article.

Your Peers will provide the guidelines

We learn from others. It could be an instructor, friend, or colleague. In the same way, we can learn about Social Marketing Goals from our business peers. What other peoples from the same business are doing will provide vital clues.

If you are struggling with the use of social media for business use, other people are going through the same. You need to figure out their way of getting out of that issue. Additionally, you can always improvise with your techniques and observations.

The three most common problem business owner’s deals about social media marketing are

  • Brand Awareness Enhancement
  • Enrich Community Engagement
  • Increase Organic Web Traffic

Are you dealing with any or all of the issues? If yes, you have to keep an eye on the market to understand how people are coping with those.

Specific Industry has Particular Goals

A teacher and a real estate, both have individual goals. However, they are not the same. A teacher will aim for maximum passing with good grades. However, a real estate agent will keep an eye on the number of deals closed and obviously commission. Every industry anticipates profits, however, in different ways.

Your industry will devise your goals. Therefore, you need to know your market, customers, current marketing strategy, and competitors. Unless you know where your opponents are, how can you expect to reach there?

Choose the best Social Media Platform for your Business

The Digital World has no shortages of Social Media platforms. However, not all of them are as effective as

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube

However, not all of them are equally effective for all business. Besides, some of them can provide counter-productive results. Therefore, let us review the suitability of each of the media on different business scenarios.


Despite the recent data breach and other issues, Facebook is still the most popular Social Media platform. It has a casual and friendly environment. People come here for a relaxing time with online friends. Therefore, your approach to using Facebook for Business promotion needs light but a well-planned marketing strategy.

You can share photos, videos, and essential updates. Moreover, if you have a business account, it provides access to the analytical and advertising tools of Facebook. The business pages on Facebook need an interactive layout. This is the first thing your customer will see, and we all know the importance of a first visual impression.

A business Facebook page will have all the details about the organization. The information includes but not limited to, contact details, hours of operations, services and products, and business type. A well-organized page will attract more traffic to your business.

Do not expect a whole lot of organic traffic through Facebook Ads. You need a cost-effective ad strategy for a Facebook page that will ensure your online presence with minimum expenses.


Twitter is ideal for short updates. Therefore, if your business has not many visual components, it is not the right choice for you. In contrast, if you have blogs and other visual updates, Twitter will work as a magic for you. This platform has all the capacities to post short updates, video, images, links, and even polls.

One of the best things about Twitter is its interactive nature. It can work as a direct communication platform with followers of cum customers. One-to-one communication with customers on Twitter is one of the best examples of social media for business promotion. Despite the lack of visual components, fast food chain Wendy’s used this platform exceptionally well. The secret is they remodeled their contents for Twitter.

You can extract the maximum benefits of Twitter if you have some exciting contents. When your followers retweet, it will go viral. Moreover, the hashtag will boost the posts. Nevertheless, try to avoid excessive twitting. Around 30% of the followers will unfollow if they found you twitting too much.


It is a ‘visual-oriented’ platform. Therefore, it is evident that you need a lot of visual content for an active presence on Pinterest. Businesses like Fashion, Beauty, Exercise, Food, and Photography are the most popular categories in this platform. Other businesses have some great opportunities too; however, not the same as the previous ones.

This is one of the newest but fastest growing platforms. Followers here can pin their favorite contents in the digital bulletin board. For specific interest, followers can create individual boards for pinning. Thus, if you are a food enthusiast, all your food pins will be organized under the food board. How easy is that?

Few Social Media studies show Female are the majority of Pinterest followers. Thus, you need a specially designed, content marketing strategy for Pinterest.


This is not a typical Social Media platform. Instead, LinkedIn is more appropriate for professional networking. Despite its formal nature, 260 million people use it monthly. Can you imagine how much impact it can make on your business?

Profiles in LinkedIn are more like resumes. Therefore, if you are a professional talent, it will be the best place to display your skills. Additionally, an organization page can advertise their products and services along with job postings. As it is the platform of professionals, the contents are more technical and industry-specific.

This professional platform has numerous industry-specific groups. People share, ask, or answers industry-specific queries in these groups.

If you have a more technical business that required specific skills, LinkedIn will be one of your best choices.


This is the most popular video sharing platform. Here people upload, share, like, or subscribe to a video or video channel. Most of the YouTube videos are recreational; however; businesses use this platform to upload instructional and informative videos.

Businesses are not always directly related to YouTube unless you tailor creative content linked to your business. There is a culture of YouTuber. These video publishers will promote your products or services if they like it. In this way, both the video publisher and your products are getting vast attention from the followers.

You can use this platform directly with delicately prepared, creative content, or if your products have big fan followers. Either way, you will get the benefits of visual engagement.

Social Media Marketing Tips

Look for new opportunities in Social Media

Social Media is like an undiscovered gold mine. You will not realize its potential unless you start to dig. People visit and hang out here with a diverse approach. You have to figure out the right keyword to connect with your target audience.

Identify and learn about the social audience

‘Know thy audience’ should be the next line after ‘Know thyself.’ You may have an idea about your audience; however; using a social media tool will provide a clear picture.

Do not only build a relationship but be engaged

More than half of the visitors that reach out for a Brand are seeking answers. They may have specific questions in mind or try to figure out their queries.

Therefore, you need to communicate with them in an engaging way to provide the answers.

Maintain a Social Media Content calendar

Random and unrelated post has counter-productive effects. Therefore, you need to make an advance plan on when and what content to post in social media.

Search for the best hashtag

Hashtags can enormously increase the reach. However, you have to pick the appropriate hashtag that relates your business. If you have a retail shop, using Holiday related hashtags would boost your posts.

Go for brilliant visuals

If you want to attract the audience at first glance, post an eye-catching visual. While creating the visuals, make sure you use the colors that effect on the human mind.

Make Creative and Informative videos

None of us has time to watch long videos. Most of the time, people watch videos while on the commute or during a short break. Therefore, you have to catch the attention within the first few seconds.

Business promotion using social media is the most effective ways to reach your audience. It builds and engaging communications with the people who follow your business. Thus, if you want to bring your services and products to people, maintain a well-devised Social Media marketing strategy.

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Arshad Amin
Arshad Amin

Written by Arshad Amin

Freelance Writer | Entrepreneur | Digital Marketer

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